Friday, May 1, 2009

Closing Time

The end of the beginning has arrived. John and I closed yesterday. There was a wee bit of an issue with termits. We don't have termits. We have a silly termite inspector. $180 later and everything is going to be just fine. WE CLOSED ON OUR FIRST HOME!

So, last night John was mowing and I was just bee bopping around. At one point I sat down in my yard and just smiled. It was a beautiful evening. It was quiet. (John was in the front yard.) McKenzie was running back and forth as fast as she could. It was incredible.

Oh, but I should relay the following story. My moment of bliss happened after this story. For a wedding present John and I received a potato. The potato was supposed to bless us and ensure that our life together starts out plentiful and remains that way. So, as John was putting together the lawn mower, I went to plant our potato. I looked up and there was a little blue birdy chirpping at me. It was a bit scared. I couldn't figure out why it didn't fly away. About that time McKenzie spotted the little blue birdy and she started attempting to attack. The bird hopped all over the place trying to get away from her. I was trying to catch McKenzie before she ate the bird. The bird was squawking at the top of its lungs. John was yelling from the patio that the mama bird was getting ready to attack my head. The mama bird was flying down toward me. Finally I grabbed McKenzie and ran to the patio. I saw the little blue birdy over by the fence a little while later. (McKenzie was banished to the house.) John mowed but said he didn't see the birdy. I'm not sure what happened to it. It was pretty dramatic!

John is at the house right now. (I'm at work.) Tonight we have a KUT event so I'll be burning the 10 p.m. oil. :)

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