Wednesday, May 6, 2009


I just re-read some of my former posts. Every time you see the word termit - please change to termite in your mind. Silly me!

Former house owner

This is a post I've been meaning to write for a little while.
When we were closing we met with the man who owned our house for 30 years. He was a very kind soul. He was pretty adamant that he wanted to close at the same time we did. We all were at the title company and he told us stories about the house. His wife was the one who planted the roses and the mini magnolia bushes. Our lot is bigger than most of the other lots in the neighborhood because there is a finite amount of room in between the two streets. So, there is a road ... houses ... then road. There is not enough room for 4 houses, but there is way too much room for 2. Therefore, they put three houses in between the roads. It allowed for bigger lots for those 3 houses. We are the middle house. The neighbor to the east is a complete busybody. There are 2 fences between our yard and their yard. Not sure why. But, they've all ready peeked through both of the yards to look at McKenzie! Trust me, this is no small feat. They also knew exactly what we were going to be doing with the yard. How? They pumped the people we hired for the lawn for information! Anyway, back to our sweet old former house owner. Once we had closed. He stood up, shook John's hand, and then proudly handed over the keys to him. He came across the room to give me a hug. I felt like he was blessing John and me to take over his home and to be happy in it.


I love popcorn. I LOVE popcorn. I could probably eat popcorn every day for dinner. I do not love popcorn ceilings. Actually, I don't have anything against popcorn ceilings. They don't mortally offend me in any way. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for John. John is mortally offended by popcorn ceilings. Our new house (the very old house) has popcorn ceilings. So, we decided we would scrap off the popcorn. Aiyiyiah! On Monday night, life was wretched. We couldn't get the corn to actually come off the ceiling! It is messy. Stuff is constantly falling all over you. Its pretty rough. By yesterday we had figured out how to remove the popcorn. A combination of ammonia with water sprayed on to the ceiling plus a scraper pretty well removes the stuff. I'm listening to a fluffy novel on my Sansa clip so I actually have been enjoying the popcorn removal a little bit more.

The texture on the walls is a whole other story. The texture is HIDEOUS. It looks like dripping blood. There's no way we could add paint to it without being totally creepy. (We are thinking about a light, light gray with white accent colors.) Last night the walls defeated us. We spent a good deal of time sanding. We even have a rotary sander and the walls just laughed at us. Blugh!

I am taking pictures to document all of this just haven't had the time to upload them yet.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Closing Time

The end of the beginning has arrived. John and I closed yesterday. There was a wee bit of an issue with termits. We don't have termits. We have a silly termite inspector. $180 later and everything is going to be just fine. WE CLOSED ON OUR FIRST HOME!

So, last night John was mowing and I was just bee bopping around. At one point I sat down in my yard and just smiled. It was a beautiful evening. It was quiet. (John was in the front yard.) McKenzie was running back and forth as fast as she could. It was incredible.

Oh, but I should relay the following story. My moment of bliss happened after this story. For a wedding present John and I received a potato. The potato was supposed to bless us and ensure that our life together starts out plentiful and remains that way. So, as John was putting together the lawn mower, I went to plant our potato. I looked up and there was a little blue birdy chirpping at me. It was a bit scared. I couldn't figure out why it didn't fly away. About that time McKenzie spotted the little blue birdy and she started attempting to attack. The bird hopped all over the place trying to get away from her. I was trying to catch McKenzie before she ate the bird. The bird was squawking at the top of its lungs. John was yelling from the patio that the mama bird was getting ready to attack my head. The mama bird was flying down toward me. Finally I grabbed McKenzie and ran to the patio. I saw the little blue birdy over by the fence a little while later. (McKenzie was banished to the house.) John mowed but said he didn't see the birdy. I'm not sure what happened to it. It was pretty dramatic!

John is at the house right now. (I'm at work.) Tonight we have a KUT event so I'll be burning the 10 p.m. oil. :)