Thursday, January 7, 2010

UT Plays Tonight

It is definitely fun to live in a college town when the college is playing for a football National Championship.

I went on a hunt for gloves last night, where I stopped at Academy. There were tons of people looking for UT shirts. It was cool. And, apparently, if UT wins tonight the store will re-open for people to buy their National Champion shirt. I guess there is no Wahoo We're Number 2 shirt.

I did not find gloves. The hunt continues. I'm going to walk over to a store close to campus. I'm really excited about leaving my desk for a little while.

I'm watching the game at home. John and I bought a new TV. :)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


I'm wearing a sweater today. I thought it was supposed to be cold today. It's not supposed to get cold until tomorrow though. Bother.

John's toe is NOT broken but it is still really sore. He's in a lot of pain. He took Vicoden (sp?) last night for the pain. He was hilarious. He just giggled a whole lot. I'm ready for him to be back on his feet.

We have tickets to see UT play Colorado on Saturday. We also have tickets to see the Chicago Bulls play the Detroit Pistons in Chicago on Monday. Basketball fools!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Busy busy holiday season. Went to Miami for a few days then to Tulsa. We were in Miami for Christmas and Tulsa for New Year's. In Miami we went to the beach on Christmas Day. In Tulsa we went sledding and had a snowball fight the day we drove in. The difference in climates delights me.

I'm going to Chicago for a work conference next week. I just bought our tickets to see the Chicago Bulls play the Detroit Pistons. John is going with me. The conference is about Internet Giving for public radio stations. I'm really excited about it.

I've promised myself that I could write shorter posts and it would be okay. Long posts tend to wear me out and make me feel pressure to write that much again. So, my plan for 2010 is to post more often but write less on each post.

Happy New Year!